Find the Best Pre-Owned Car Dealerships in Ancaster at AutoDir: Your Trusted Local Service Directory for Certified Used Vehicles

AutoDir is the ultimate local service directory in Ancaster to find the best pre-owned car dealerships, offering certified used vehicles at affordable prices. Discover a wide range of reliable and trusted dealers near you, and take the hassle out of your used car search with AutoDir.

Jack's Auto Sales

  • Hamilton, ON
We Buy And Sell Used Cars. Car Dealership, Used Cars, Best Car Deals In Town

  • 4.5
  • 38 ratings
Jay D.,AutoDir
Jay D.
Look for a great car at a fair price? Then Sammy's is the place for you! Sam came highly recommended from a number of people in dundas. He's been open since 1977 for a reason. Not only is he fair but he is always there to meet your needs and answer any questions you may have. I w...
Letty L.,AutoDir
Letty L.
Sammy just bought my 85 year old Dad's car today; he was kind enough to drive to my parents home and gave him a fair price for an old vehicle with low mileage; sad to hear Sammy is considering retiring; wishing all the best and God bless him and his wife too!
Mike B.,AutoDir
Mike B.
Sam is HONEST to a fault...he will sell you anything you wish, but, He WILL be upfront with his customers!! He's been at this a very long time.....I would buy a used vehicle from Sam, long before I would consider anyone else!!, He prices cars as best he can, but, often cannot, be...

Park Auto Sales & Service

  • Hamilton, ON

Phone: +1 905-525-0886
  • 3.3
  • 11 ratings
Rachelle R.,AutoDir
Rachelle R.
Great customer service, they have been around for a very long time and they treat you right. Honest and trustworthy. Worth checking them out.
Rachelle R.,AutoDir
Rachelle R.
Customer came in to our shop a couple of weeks after the sale with a very aggressive attitude, we listened to his concerns and made the repair that we felt was necessary. Customer agreed that CAA had suggested the same repair might be needed. We at Park Auto Sales & Service made...
Walt J.,AutoDir
Walt J.
Elvira Geiss, we have checked our records and do not have you listed as a customer from Park Auto Sales. We have had some tenants at our location selling cars and they are no longer at this location. We value our customers and have been at this location for over 30 years.

Dan's Auto Sales

  • Mount Hope, ON

Phone: +1 905-512-9930
  • 3.1
  • 7 ratings
Bob P.,AutoDir
Bob P.
I find Dan to be one of the most down-to-earth, honest guys you'll ever meet.Yes, his lot may appear to be closed, but Dan doesn't do this as a 9-5. He leaves a stack of business cards at the side door... grab one abd give him a call. Its by appointment. Set up a time to talk to ...
Ian Q.,AutoDir
Ian Q.
Super great guy; honest and dependable.

Old Brock Auto Sales

  • Dundas, ON
Used Cars and Trucks In Dundas Ontario and Hamilton Ontario

  • 5
  • 2 ratings
Henry C.,AutoDir
Henry C.
Great salesman with decades of experience. Cares about his customers. Bought a van. Happy.


  • Hamilton, ON
We are open by appointment only

  • 4.8
  • 43 ratings
Ali A.,AutoDir
Ali A.
The owner is a reliable, easygoing and knowledgable person.
David B.,AutoDir
David B.
Great car and good deals very honest
Sidney G.,AutoDir
Sidney G.
Great place to buy a car.
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