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Quels sont les services de TOW TOP SPEED 24H à Montréal ?

Vous avez besoin d’un service de remorquage à Montréal ou aux environs? Remorquage Top Speed intervient pour dépanner poids lourds et véhicules légers.

Que pensez-vous de TOW TOP SPEED 24H (Montréal) ?

Aidan D.,AutoDir
  • par Aidan D.
  • |
  • 14th August, 2020

Recommandez-vous TOW TOP SPEED 24H ce Service de remorquage à Montréal ?

Speedy and reliable! Professional dude, also superb conversationalist. A+

Ethan H.,AutoDir
  • par Ethan H.
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  • 16th August, 2020

Que pensez-vous des services de TOW TOP SPEED 24H ce Service de remorquage à Montréal ?

Vlad was cool, easy going and efficient towards me. I enjoyed and appreciated how he took care of my motorcycle. Great service. Ethan Hunt

Nathan V.,AutoDir
  • par Nathan V.
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  • 20th June, 2020

Avez-vous aimé votre visite de TOW TOP SPEED 24H ce Service de remorquage à Montréal ?

Vlad did a great job towing my car and dropping it off from downtown to the West Island. I had to wait quite a while for the tow truck to come, but I imagine it was a busy day for him. Friendly, professional and well priced.

Olalekan O.,AutoDir
  • par Olalekan O.
  • |
  • 14th August, 2020

Comment TOW TOP SPEED 24H ce Service de remorquage vous à servi à Montréal ?

I just love those guys! Top Speed just the best! Thanks to Ali!

Sally C.,AutoDir
  • par Sally C.
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  • 27th July, 2020

Que pouvez-vous nous dire à propos des services de Service de remorquage offert à Montréal par TOW TOP SPEED 24H ?

Vlad towed my car last week and was really wonderful. He was very knowledgeable, efficient and friendly. Everything went very smoothly even though it was a difficult situation because my car was parked underground. I enjoyed the great conversation with Vlad riding out to the dealership! Even my little dog enjoyed his company and I appreciate that he let her ride with us to the dealership!! Thanks so much Vlad, for your great help!! Best wishes, Sally

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