What are Coin Wash Saint Michel 's services in Montréal ?
What do you think about Coin Wash Saint Michel (Montréal) ?
- by GaB S.
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- 24th November, 2019
Will you recommend Coin Wash Saint Michel a Car Wash in Montréal ?
This place is great to DIY.. Sometimes I've seen ppl going nuts since sometimes ppl they don't respect and take someone else's turn..
- by Hans V.
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- 15th January, 2019
What do you think about Coin Wash Saint Michel a Car Wash services provided in Montréal ?
Easy to wash the car and fast, water is warm in winter
- by Imran A.
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- 17th June, 2020
Did you like your visit with Coin Wash Saint Michel a Car Wash in Montréal ?
A good self car wash, quick and affordable. Prices start at $3, you can use the soap brush and pressure wash your car. There are also hooks to hang and wash your mats.
- by John V.
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- 28th May, 2020
How did Coin Wash Saint Michel this Car Wash served you in Montréal ?
Not the cleanest place but everything you need to wash your car is there
- by peter p.
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- 22nd October, 2019
What could you say about Car Wash services provided in Montréal by Coin Wash Saint Michel ?
Great place to wash your car or mini trucks