Quels sont les services de Dyad à Montréal ?


Que pensez-vous de Dyad (Montréal) ?

Camila S.,AutoDir
  • par Camila S.
  • |
  • 9th February, 2020

Recommandez-vous Dyad ce Location de Quad à Montréal ?

My boyfriend and I went on the fat bike tour during a snow storm and it was incredibly fun! Just make sure you are appropriately dressed, our ski goggles really helped. Really wonderful and unique winter experience. Would recommend to anyone visiting Montreal. It can be quite challenging specially if you're short like me, 5', but still very worth it.

Connor M.,AutoDir
  • par Connor M.
  • |
  • 4th March, 2020

Que pensez-vous des services de Dyad ce Location de Quad à Montréal ?

Highly recommend! Ton of fun, great tour with local history and great scenery. Totally worth it!

  • par Mladd
  • |
  • 24th July, 2020

Avez-vous aimé votre visite de Dyad ce Location de Quad à Montréal ?

I had a really great experience there. The staff was very friendly especially one guy outside of the store while waiting in line (yeah Covid sucks). He was a real fanatic of electric biking. I could feel it.

xavier g.,AutoDir
  • par xavier g.
  • |
  • 9th August, 2020

Comment Dyad ce Location de Quad vous à servi à Montréal ?

Just bought the new banana boss bike here and I love it.. I rode home after a rain and now the brakes are a little squeaky but I’m bringing it in Monday and I’m sure they’ll be able to take care of it.. great products and service thanks!!

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