What are OK Pneus 's services in Montréal ?
What do you think about OK Pneus (Montréal) ?
- by Amna A.
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- 19th April, 2019
Will you recommend OK Pneus a Tire Shop in Montréal ?
Really kind gentleman helped us with our tired. Loved the service
- by Claudio G.
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- 15th June, 2019
What do you think about OK Pneus a Tire Shop services provided in Montréal ?
Great service! Keep it up!
- by mounir m.
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- 27th November, 2020
Did you like your visit with OK Pneus a Tire Shop in Montréal ?
- by Uchiha S.
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- 6th July, 2018
How did OK Pneus this Tire Shop served you in Montréal ?
Excellent service!!