What are Auto-Clinique 's services in Montréal-Nord ?
What do you think about Auto-Clinique (Montréal-Nord) ?
- by Georges B.
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- 30th January, 2017
Will you recommend Auto-Clinique a Auto Repair in Montréal-Nord ?
- by Radek W.
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- 18th June, 2015
What do you think about Auto-Clinique a Auto Repair services provided in Montréal-Nord ?
The best prices and services in Montreal .. Thanks Richard for renewing my old frontier nissan The best prices and services of Montreal .. Thanks Richard for renewing my old nissan border Rad
- by salki
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- 21st September, 2017
Did you like your visit with Auto-Clinique a Auto Repair in Montréal-Nord ?
Very good service, cleanliness, respect of deadlines and at very affordable prices. I highly recommend it
- by Stéphanie P.
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- 2nd June, 2020
How did Auto-Clinique this Auto Repair served you in Montréal-Nord ?
Courteous, professional and guaranteed service !! 1st visit to this garage and I will go back there for other work that I have to do on my SUV !! Thanks 😊